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Un Torpe en Casa



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Mapa del lugar

  • Affaires
    • B - Bandon, Co. Cork, Cork, Irlanda
    • C - Bandon, Cork, Irlanda
  • Pêche
    • D - Río Bandon
    • E - Río Lee
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The Bandon River rises in the Shehy Mountains in west Cork and flows east through Dunmanway, Ballineen, Enninskeane, Bandon and Innishannon to Kinsale Harbour. This is primarily a salmon and sea trout river but there are also plenty of brown trout on all stretches of the river system. The grilse run occurs at the end of June and water levels can be critical for good fishing. Ther are also a very good run of big fresh in August and September, and this is again dependent on good water. The most popular local salmon flies are the Hairy Mary, Silver Wilkinson, Silver and Blue and Garry Dog. The river gets an excellent run of Sea Trout commencing in May and lasting through August. A large number of sea trout are taken on the free waters of the estuary right up to Innishannon Bridge and Bandoon Town. The usual sea trout flies are the most effective. The fishing rights on the Bandon River is owned and controlled by a mixture of private land owners, syndicates and various angling clubs. Dunmanway Trout & Salmon Anglers, Ballineen/ Enniskeane Anglers, Kilcoleman Fishery and Bandon Association. Day permits are available for individuals who wish to go fishing. All state and local club rules should be observed while fishing on the river. Common courtesy and etiquette are paramount. Do not litter, if you brought it in take it out. And most importantly is to enjoy the river, your surroundings and the fishing.


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Bandon River Guide

00 Contact

Région / État:
Site web:
Téléphone 2:
353 (0)86 3029396
Bandon, Co. Cork
Peter Ross
Peter Ross
Adresse Email:
Dernière actualisation:
2012-11-20 12:02:23

The Bandon River rises in the Shehy Mountains in west Cork and flows east through Dunmanway, Ballineen, Enninskeane, Bandon and Innishannon to Kinsale Harbour. This is primarily a salmon and sea trout river but there are also plenty of brown trout on all stretches of the river system. The grilse run occurs at the end of June and water levels can be critical for good fishing. Ther are also a very good run of big fresh in August and September, and this is again dependent on good water. The most popular local salmon flies are the Hairy Mary, Silver Wilkinson, Silver and Blue and Garry Dog. The river gets an excellent run of Sea Trout commencing in May and lasting through August. A large number of sea trout are taken on the free waters of the estuary right up to Innishannon Bridge and Bandoon Town. The usual sea trout flies are the most effective. The fishing rights on the Bandon River is owned and controlled by a mixture of private land owners, syndicates and various angling clubs. Dunmanway Trout & Salmon Anglers, Ballineen/ Enniskeane Anglers, Kilcoleman Fishery and Bandon Association. Day permits are available for individuals who wish to go fishing. All state and local club rules should be observed while fishing on the river. Common courtesy and etiquette are paramount. Do not litter, if you brought it in take it out. And most importantly is to enjoy the river, your surroundings and the fishing.

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