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Un Torpe en Casa



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  • Affaires
    • B - Te Anau , Distrito Southland, Nueva Zelanda
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Les informations suivantes sur Fiordland River Guides ne sont pas encore disponibles dans votre langue. Nous montrons l'information en English. Cependant, très bientôt, il sera traduit.


Fiordland offers unsurpassed opportunities for real wilderness trophy trout fishing. Its wilderness rivers, such as the Glaisnock, Worsley and Clinton, are ideally suited to sight fishing and stalking. This is the preferred method of fishing, with both dry fly and nymph being equally successful.

Most of the wilderness rivers are west of the major lakes in Fiordland and are accessible only by boat. The reward however, is unspoilt, crystal clear waters holding good stocks of trophy brown and rainbow trout. The fish in these waters average 3 to 6lbs., with occasional specimens of up to 12lbs.


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Fiordland River Guides

Lodge de pêche

00 Contact

Région / État:
Te Anau
Site web:
51 Bligh St, Te Anau, Southland
Ian Murray
Ian Murray
Adresse Email:
Dernière actualisation:
2012-11-28 21:56:42

Fiordland offers unsurpassed opportunities for real wilderness trophy trout fishing. Its wilderness rivers, such as the Glaisnock, Worsley and Clinton, are ideally suited to sight fishing and stalking. This is the preferred method of fishing, with both dry fly and nymph being equally successful.

Most of the wilderness rivers are west of the major lakes in Fiordland and are accessible only by boat. The reward however, is unspoilt, crystal clear waters holding good stocks of trophy brown and rainbow trout. The fish in these waters average 3 to 6lbs., with occasional specimens of up to 12lbs.

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