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Les informations suivantes sur Kiwi Pete Fly Fishing ne sont pas encore disponibles dans votre langue. Nous montrons l'information en English. Cependant, très bientôt, il sera traduit.


New Zealand's Southland region offers you endless opportunities to pit your angling skills against cunning brown and lightening-fast rainbow trout. But, without local knowledge in such a popular world-class fly fishing region, it's so much harder for you to find productive yet quiet spots away from the crowds. And then there are whole stretches of premium fishable water you can only reach with permission landowners rarely give to strangers.

With me guiding you won't waste time — you'll get more time actually fishing. Fishing that's perfectly suited to what you're looking to get from your trip. Whether that's stalking trophy trout in wilderness high-country headwaters or meeting the full spectrum of trout fishing challenges our Southland rivers hold.


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Dans tous les cas, collaborez. Merci d'avoir visiter le lieu de pêche Kiwi Pete Fly Fishing.

Kiwi Pete Fly Fishing

Guide de pêche à la mouche

00 Contact

Région / État:
Site web:
PO Box 13, Dipton, Otago
Pete Meney
Pete Meney
Adresse Email:
Dernière actualisation:
2012-11-28 20:50:56

New Zealand's Southland region offers you endless opportunities to pit your angling skills against cunning brown and lightening-fast rainbow trout. But, without local knowledge in such a popular world-class fly fishing region, it's so much harder for you to find productive yet quiet spots away from the crowds. And then there are whole stretches of premium fishable water you can only reach with permission landowners rarely give to strangers.

With me guiding you won't waste time — you'll get more time actually fishing. Fishing that's perfectly suited to what you're looking to get from your trip. Whether that's stalking trophy trout in wilderness high-country headwaters or meeting the full spectrum of trout fishing challenges our Southland rivers hold.

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