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    • B - Ashhurst, Manawatu District, Nueva Zelanda
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The range of fly fishing opportunities in the lower North Island of New Zealand is extensive. This region of New Zealand provides a vast amount of fly fishing water, plus angling variety, attractive scenery, and peace and quiet. Seldom are other anglers encountered during a days fishing. There is wilderness fishing in this area that rivals that of the South Island. These New Zealand rivers and streams drain regions which have varying physical and climatic conditions, so the fly fishing options are endless.

On offer in this region of New Zealand is an impressive amount of fly fishing water. These include New Zealand style wilderness fly fishing locations, kilometres of open & easy-to-access rivers and streams, ideal for fly fishing, with high populations of brown and rainbow trout.


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Manawatu Fly Fishing

Guide de pêche à la mouche

00 Contact

Région / État:
Site web:
228 Pohangina Road, Ashhurst, Manawatu-Wanganui
Andrew Watt
Andrew Watt
Adresse Email:
Dernière actualisation:
2012-11-28 21:56:40

The range of fly fishing opportunities in the lower North Island of New Zealand is extensive. This region of New Zealand provides a vast amount of fly fishing water, plus angling variety, attractive scenery, and peace and quiet. Seldom are other anglers encountered during a days fishing. There is wilderness fishing in this area that rivals that of the South Island. These New Zealand rivers and streams drain regions which have varying physical and climatic conditions, so the fly fishing options are endless.

On offer in this region of New Zealand is an impressive amount of fly fishing water. These include New Zealand style wilderness fly fishing locations, kilometres of open & easy-to-access rivers and streams, ideal for fly fishing, with high populations of brown and rainbow trout.

Il n'y pas d'information disponilbe sur le temps.