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Offer Raft Fishing with your guide. Available rafts to secluded pools and runs on the magnificent Rangitikei River. Some of New Zealand's best trout fishing only accessible by raft. Enjoy fishing on "your river" for the day. On foot fishing with your guide also available. You can enjoy guide fishing for half or full day. We provided picnic lunch. We suit the guided service to all ages and abilities. Flies and Licences available from Tarata Fishaway


Our Tree House has amazing views of the Rangitikei River complete with waterfall. There are three bedrooms each with a decking, two bathrooms, kitchen, BBQ, Dining Room and the view from the bay window, well you only have to look at the picture. The Downstairs unit also has a spectacular view with its own decking and bathroom. Enjoy a spa on the edge and see the Rangitikei in the moonlight. Perfect for a larger group easily sleeping 10 with a fold out bed for extras and a portacot. We also have laundry facilities.


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Tarata Fishaway Lodge

Lodge de pêche

00 Contact

Région / État:
Site web:
925 Mokai Road, Mokai Valley, RD3, Taihape
Stephen/ Trudi Mattock
Stephen/ Trudi Mattock
Adresse Email:
Dernière actualisation:
2012-11-28 20:51:29

Offer Raft Fishing with your guide. Available rafts to secluded pools and runs on the magnificent Rangitikei River. Some of New Zealand's best trout fishing only accessible by raft. Enjoy fishing on "your river" for the day. On foot fishing with your guide also available. You can enjoy guide fishing for half or full day. We provided picnic lunch. We suit the guided service to all ages and abilities. Flies and Licences available from Tarata Fishaway

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