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Scott Murray, better known as “The Trout” around the world has become famous in his own right as a renowned brown trout fly fishing Guide. He leads River Haven Lodge's fly fishing team of Guides, considered to be one of the friendliest, and most experienced in the country! In River Haven's Guiding Team, all our Guides have between 15 and 25 years of experience guiding for the Top of the South Island of New Zealand. Their experience and knowledge are beyond measure.

Our Guides are experienced in sighting brown trout, as though they had a type of radar connection with the fish themselves! They tie their own flies giving you an edge. Tying flies to match the exact insect stage, is where our Guides shine! You can be assured, River Haven Guides are among the friendliest and most patient, in the country, and they are all non-smokers.

River Haven's high return client base speaks for itself, as our Guide's friendly personalities, attitude, skills, patience, and knowledge, bring back clients year after year. All of our Guides have a unique instinct to read the fishery, as well as their client’s desires, and combine them to create a paradise for those that spend time fly fishing at River Haven Lodge. Our guides skills are unquestionable, but their uncanny ability to convey that knowledge to the client and give that person the edge and confidence to catch the illusive, wily New Zealand brown trout, is where they shine!


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River Haven Lodge

Guide de pêche à la mouche

00 Contact

Région / État:
Site web:
RD 3, Longford, Murchison
Leya/ Scott "The Trout" Murray
Leya/ Scott "The Trout" Murray
Adresse Email:
Dernière actualisation:
2012-11-28 20:53:10

Scott Murray, better known as “The Trout” around the world has become famous in his own right as a renowned brown trout fly fishing Guide. He leads River Haven Lodge's fly fishing team of Guides, considered to be one of the friendliest, and most experienced in the country! In River Haven's Guiding Team, all our Guides have between 15 and 25 years of experience guiding for the Top of the South Island of New Zealand. Their experience and knowledge are beyond measure.

Our Guides are experienced in sighting brown trout, as though they had a type of radar connection with the fish themselves! They tie their own flies giving you an edge. Tying flies to match the exact insect stage, is where our Guides shine! You can be assured, River Haven Guides are among the friendliest and most patient, in the country, and they are all non-smokers.

River Haven's high return client base speaks for itself, as our Guide's friendly personalities, attitude, skills, patience, and knowledge, bring back clients year after year. All of our Guides have a unique instinct to read the fishery, as well as their client’s desires, and combine them to create a paradise for those that spend time fly fishing at River Haven Lodge. Our guides skills are unquestionable, but their uncanny ability to convey that knowledge to the client and give that person the edge and confidence to catch the illusive, wily New Zealand brown trout, is where they shine!

Il n'y pas d'information disponilbe sur le temps.