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Having fished the Central North Island of New Zealand's streams and lakes for over 40 years, Simon Robertson, your Rotorua Fishing Guide, has a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of trout fishing NZ. For those in search of an experienced and professional trout fishing guide in the Rotorua region, you need look no further. Simon covers both the Rotorua and Taupo areas, as well as some of the most remote wilderness areas in the North Island.

Simon is a director of New Zealand Field and Stream Ltd, a long standing member of Ducks Unlimited and is involved in a large wetland development in the Central North Island to further enhance wildfowl habitat.

Simon holds numerous trophies for both fresh and saltwater species but now devotes his time purely to professional trout guiding. He is the preferred guide for a number of large international travel agents.

His own particular passion is Nymph and Dry Fly fishing in small backcountry streams targeting wild resident trout in peaceful surroundings. Being mindful of the fact that his clients have only a short time with him he goes out of his way to ensure that only the most appropriate and productive water is fished. He is a member of the New Zealand Professional Fishing Guide's Assn and the Rotorua Professional Trout Fishing Guide's Assn. He holds a Launch Operator's Licence for all North Island lakes and a current St John's First Aid Certificate.


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Rotorua Trout Safaris Ltd

Guide de pêche à la mouche

00 Contact

Région / État:
Baie d'Abondance
Bay Of Plenty
Site web:
Morehu Rd, Lake Rotoehu , RD4, Rotorua
Simon Robertson
Simon Robertson
Adresse Email:
Dernière actualisation:
2012-11-28 20:53:11

Having fished the Central North Island of New Zealand's streams and lakes for over 40 years, Simon Robertson, your Rotorua Fishing Guide, has a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of trout fishing NZ. For those in search of an experienced and professional trout fishing guide in the Rotorua region, you need look no further. Simon covers both the Rotorua and Taupo areas, as well as some of the most remote wilderness areas in the North Island.

Simon is a director of New Zealand Field and Stream Ltd, a long standing member of Ducks Unlimited and is involved in a large wetland development in the Central North Island to further enhance wildfowl habitat.

Simon holds numerous trophies for both fresh and saltwater species but now devotes his time purely to professional trout guiding. He is the preferred guide for a number of large international travel agents.

His own particular passion is Nymph and Dry Fly fishing in small backcountry streams targeting wild resident trout in peaceful surroundings. Being mindful of the fact that his clients have only a short time with him he goes out of his way to ensure that only the most appropriate and productive water is fished. He is a member of the New Zealand Professional Fishing Guide's Assn and the Rotorua Professional Trout Fishing Guide's Assn. He holds a Launch Operator's Licence for all North Island lakes and a current St John's First Aid Certificate.

Il n'y pas d'information disponilbe sur le temps.