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Un Torpe en Casa



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  • Affaires
    • B - Lauder, Scottish Borders, Reino Unido
    • C - Lauder, Scottish Borders, Scottish Borders, Reino
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Les informations suivantes sur Mick McDaid ne sont pas encore disponibles dans votre langue. Nous montrons l'information en English. Cependant, très bientôt, il sera traduit.


Mick McDaid was born in a small village in the Scottish Borders called Lauder. Although from an early age fishing was in his blood he only took up the sport seriously in 1960 when he started fishing for trout in the surrounding rivers using worms and grubs for bait.

As a fully qualified salmon and trout instructor, Mick is now offering tuition and guidance on all aspects of fly casting and fly fishing for all levels from beginners to advanced and for those who would like to become instructors themselves.

Mick McDaid is a Master Instructor and fully qualified member of the Association of Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructors (A.A.P.G.A.I) and has been professionally teaching fly casting for over 10 years. Mick is Guideline's UK Casting Demonstrator and has designed their range of new MMD Spey Lines.

Based in Lauder, just a short drive away from the River Tweed, Mick also is also a holder of the Salmon and Trout Association's National Instructor's Certificate (S.T.A.N.I.C.).

Offering private casting tuition concentrating on salmon & trout he is a specialist in Spey & Snake Roll casting.


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Mick McDaid

Guide de pêche à la mouche

00 Contact

Région / État:


Lauder, Scottish Borders
Code postal:
Mick McDaid
Mick McDaid
Adresse Email:
Dernière actualisation:
2017-12-01 19:09:48

Mick McDaid was born in a small village in the Scottish Borders called Lauder. Although from an early age fishing was in his blood he only took up the sport seriously in 1960 when he started fishing for trout in the surrounding rivers using worms and grubs for bait.

As a fully qualified salmon and trout instructor, Mick is now offering tuition and guidance on all aspects of fly casting and fly fishing for all levels from beginners to advanced and for those who would like to become instructors themselves.

Mick McDaid is a Master Instructor and fully qualified member of the Association of Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructors (A.A.P.G.A.I) and has been professionally teaching fly casting for over 10 years. Mick is Guideline's UK Casting Demonstrator and has designed their range of new MMD Spey Lines.

Based in Lauder, just a short drive away from the River Tweed, Mick also is also a holder of the Salmon and Trout Association's National Instructor's Certificate (S.T.A.N.I.C.).

Offering private casting tuition concentrating on salmon & trout he is a specialist in Spey & Snake Roll casting.

Il n'y pas d'information disponilbe sur le temps.